Turn data into insights,
superfast and at scale

Stop writing pipelines and complex SQL. Go from raw data to entities, metrics, visualizations and answers in just a few clicks.

Demo with Founder

Goodbye blank slate,
hello expert library

Don’t reinvent the wheel in constructing metrics and performing analyses. Start with industry best practices, then customize it to suit your unique business.

Engagement Analysis

Power Users are churning more than other user segments

Activation Funnel Analysis

30% of users who downloaded the app have completed 3+ edits

Growth Forecast Analysis

Keep growing at 10% m/m to reach your Goal within 8 weeks

Retention Analysis

Current cohort is retaining better than Cohort from 1 Quarter ago

Aha! Moment Analysis

Users who shared a post have the highest retention

Acquisition Funnel Analysis

Raise conversion rate of Brazil Android above overall to increase ARR

Correlation Analysis

Daily Notification Sent is highly correlated with Monthly Uninstalls

Growth Accounting

New Accounts contributed the most to change in Revenue Growth

Data modeling meets
dashboards, meets analytics

Sundial empowers business teams to get self-serve answers to common data questions. Free your data team to focus on the next level of creative problem-solving.

Dashboards and Reports,
all in one platform
Model entities and metrics
from your source table
Pre-computed insights,
without writing any code
Ask questions,
get AI powered answers
In-depth exploration,
in just a few clicks

Extract, transform and start leading,
all in a day's work.

No heavy lifting required; if you trust your raw data and it’s in the cloud, let us take care of the rest.

Request a Demo

Love from our friends

citizen app logo
Andrew Frame

Founder and CEO, Citizen

Sundial has the most powerful analytics platform in the market, with a world class team behind it.
picsart app logo

Chief Product Officer, Picsart

Sundial is the future of analytics and dashboarding, an essential tool for any forward-thinking organization.
picscart app logo

Data Science Group Lead, Picsart

The Sundial team’s dedication to constant improvement and support has been instrumental in adding significant value to our business.

Head of Product, Citizen

Sundial has transformed our core product metrics, helping us build a deeper understanding of the inputs and outputs that matter for our business.

Data Science Lead, SaaS company

The team has also been tremendously helpful in organizing our business into concrete data models.
Dwight Churchill

Co-Founder, Captions

Our experience with Sundial has been transformative, enabling us to make decisions with greater speed and accuracy.